The New
So where ARE we headed?
We believe that the blending of physical and digital worlds is the coming META. It might be in the next year but at some point, that is where the money will be flowing.
So we will be positioning the Meerkat Millionaires Country Club to prepare for what we believe are the bigger money players outside of our ecosystem and in the pathway of new eyes getting interested in crypto/NFTs.
As we have discussed what this looks like in the past couple of months, the best way to describe it is something like "Web2.5."
We want to continue to embrace our royalties heritage as a project but mature at the same time to begin generating revenue from places outside of royalties.
We want to empower and equip our own community to become business owners and partners to bring the good of what we have in web3 into different web2-type ventures.
We believe the market will ALWAYS value revenue-generating projects with a multiple reflected in the floor price. If we can fulfill our plans of creating multiple businesses that generate consistent revenue, then regardless of what you think of the founders, the art, or the community, there will be a value reflected in the price of the project.
This document will continue to evolve. But as we move into different areas below, some are more based on physical, some are more based on digital but all are put together to begin to build the Meerkat brand and community.
Last updated