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πŸ‘΄The Old

I am an entrepreneur, early adopter, and innovator in real life. Part of that personality is getting comfortable upsetting the status quo, embracing failure, and loathing unoriginality. In my mind, when we talk about a "New Meta" in the NFT space, it takes something truly scary and different. Something most people don't believe will work and definitely something that will bring in new money! I have watched project after project declare their small tweak to utility as "The new meta", but it typically dies out for one reason or another.

With this new plan, I hope to at least upset the following status quo's:

1. Discord participation is critical to your investment and/or community status

2. Twitter participation is critical to your investment and/or community status

3. Royalties being critical to project growth

4. Fomo/Hype/Utility > Brand

5. Top project customer base is "informed" NFT customers

6. Influencer marketing is most important

7. The NFT is the most important thing that exists

8. We are in competition with other NFT projects

9. Any Ponzinomics

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